Monday, June 6, 2011

New Milestone - We've Chosen A Name!

Mike has intuitively known from the moment we learned I was pregnant that we were having a boy. I refused to play the "name game" until we knew for sure. Once we confirmed (twice!) with the sonograms, we started what I thought would be a never ending battle of throwing out every boy name ever imaginable.

Yesterday, on our way to the movies, it just kind of happened. There was a name he really wanted & I had a few of my own. He fused his together with one of my favorites and I just fell in love with it! When we came home I started looking up the meanings & origins of the names, ensuring easy spelling & pronunciation and as little wiggle room for teasing as possible.

And with that, I am thrilled to say...We have finally chosen a name for our son! We're no longer calling him Peanut around the house. I haven't decided yet if we'll be sharing with family & friends, let alone our internet family.

If we do decide to share, I'll definitely be announcing it in the form of a blog entry. :) If not, then everyone will just have to wait until he's born! I just hope our son loves his name as much as we do.

When you chose your child's name, did you share it with everyone right away? Did you wait until he was born? If you could do it over again, would you make the same decision? And here's another fun one: other moms have told me to have a back-up name just in case when I see his face he doesn't look like the name we've chosen. Did you have a back-up list? Choosing one name was hard enough! I'd love to hear your thoughts, feedback, experience. :)


  1. We've decided on a very unconventional boy's name for our as-of-yet-unconceived child. We've told our families what we plan on and they think it's weird, but are fine with it because they know we're serious and they won't be able to talk us out of it. My auntie thought Emily was a horrible name, but came around quite easily after I was born, and so that's a good reason to wait until the baby's born. No one can judge the cute baby :P

  2. The name we've chosen is definitely not common. You'd think that my family & friends would know by now that everything we're doing is going to be "different" but they still tend to give me a hard time! They mean well though. I just don't know if I can keep my mouth shut for the next 4 months, Lol.

  3. I'm definitely not able to keep my mouth shut about anything, ever. I hate surprises. If you end up telling them, make sure they know that there's no reason for them to not like it because you're not going to change it :)

  4. I share the name when I pick it but that's because I want to start calling the baby by that name and want everyone else to too! Haha. Everyone, all my family and DH's called Lucy "Lucy" before she was even here. But I think it's really cool when you keep it as a secret too, make it more special between you and hubby! I'd do that if I didn't have such a big mouth. :D

  5. I have a HUGE mouth too & I LOVE the idea of calling baby by his name. I'm kind of tired of our "fruit of the week" nicknames. Lol. Plus I can't get to get personalized things for him. Yay! I think I'll start out with the people I think will be more open minded. It's not a very common name. We'll see what happens. :)
